How to enter your DooDad!
Monday December 18th at 11:30 pm!!
You’ve created a beautiful DooDad and are ready to enter the competition. Follow along below to share your artistic vision with us! You can scroll down for suggestions on how to photograph your DooDad, create your Video Artist Statement, sign up for an account with Artful Evaluation, and finally enter your DooDad in the competition!
And as soon as you are ready simply click the link below to:

Let's gather your entry information:
- PHOTOGRAPH OF DOODAD: You will need to supply 4 photographs – one full photo of your DooDad on a white background and 3 detail images. Files must be in one of the following formats, and must include the filename extension: .jpg .jpeg .png .gif
- ARTIST STATEMENT VIDEO: * MUST BE HORIZONTAL * This video statement should be no longer than 2 minutes long. Please shoot your video in a 16:9 horizontal format. Files must be in one of the following formats, and must include the filename extension: .mov .mp4 .mpg .mpeg .avi .wmv
- WRITTEN ARTISTS STATEMENT: Please provide a brief written statement about your piece. Consider the subject, materials, process, and any inspirational information you would like to share.
- MEASUREMENTS OF DOODAD: Please measure your DooDad’s Width, Depth and height.
STEP 1: Photograph your DooDad!

— 4 Photographs: one full photo and 3 details.
— Photos should be on white background.
— Files must be in one of the following formats: .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif
The DooDad Competition went online for judging in 2022. Because of this, it is important to showcase your work with quality photos! For this years competition you will need to provide 4 photos and a video. Watch this how-to video below for photo inspiration, then scroll down to find out how to create your video next.

Step 2: Create your Video Artist Statement!
Create a short video, no more than 2 minutes long, discussing your DooDad. Tell us about your process, about the Native Flora or Fauna you depicted, and about the materials you used when creating you DooDad.
Watch some of the winning videos below for inspiration:
— The video should be no longer than 2 minutes.
— MUST BE Shot in a 16:9 HORIZONTAL format.
— Files must be in one of the following formats, and must include the filename extension : .mov .mp4 .mpg .mpeg .avi .wmv
Step 3: Write your Written Artist's Statement!
Let's write your Artist Statement:
For the DooDad competition your written Artist Statement MUST answer:
1) How your sculpture represents your research about the theme? and/or
2) How has your thinking changed about the connection between creating with unconventional art materials and the environment?
Step 4: Sign up for Artful Evaluation!
Enter your DooDad!
Deadline Extended!!!!
Monday December 18, 2023
at 11:30 PM!