Thank you to the teachers, parents and students who’ve made the 8th Annual Repurposed Doodad Sculpture Competition a success during difficult circumstances. This year we received 132 sculptures from 32 schools that involved 36 teachers and 310 students.
Thank you also to our community judges who we tasked to vote for the sculptures they felt best met the criteria of the competition. They submitted votes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Places and Honorable Mentions in each grade category.
And thanks to the hundreds of people who submitted over 2,000 People’s Choice votes. The top 9 sculptures that received the most votes were awarded People’s Choice Awards regardless of grade level category.
Last but definitely not least, many thanks to Tampa International Airport and all our generous sponsors. Your commitment to the community helps young people to experience the importance of reusing unconventional materials while problem solving through the creative process.
Congratulations to all 🙂