Enter Your DooDad!

Entry OPENS : November 5, 2024 @ 8 AM!!
Entry ENDS : December 13, 2024 @ 9 PM!

You’ve created a beautiful DooDad and are ready to enter the competition. Follow along below to share your artistic vision with us! You can scroll down for suggestions on how to photograph your DooDad, create your written and Video Artist Statements, sign up for an email account with GMail, and finally ENTER your DooDad in the competition!

Please review the list below to make sure you have the information needed to complete your entry form. Thanks again, and good luck!

You MUST have a Google Email (GMAIL) account to access the form:  please sign up for one HERE.


  • School, Group or Organization Information: Name, location and contact
  • Instructor Information: Name and contact
  • Student information: Names, ages, and grade category
  • Sculpture Information:  Name, materials, size, and written artist statement
  • Sculpture Documentation uploads: Up to 5 photographs (jpgs) and 1short video.  Each file MUST be titled with the instructors last name and the first alphabetical name of the student:  example:  Teacher.StudentA.JPG
  • Release upload: each student artist MUST have a release signed by the parent, guardian and instructor to be included in the competition.  Releases are included in your information packet and on the homepage of our website:  www.doodadoftampa.org

After all required answers and uploads have been submitted you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your entry.   GOOD LUCK!!


Days till Entry begins!






